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When driving turns stressful, it can lead to aggressive behavior behind the wheel. Read on the following tips by Synthetic Oil Inc. in San Diego to stay safe and avoid road rage encounters.

Have you ever heard about driving accidents that involve road rage before? If the answer is yes, you must be cautious and consider the possibility of being involved in this type of road hazard eventually. Thus, this post by Synthetic Oil Inc. has gathered information about how to avoid road rage disputes, and ultimately, how to de-escalate a high-risk confrontation with another driver.

Enjoy a safe and efficient ride by keeping your car well-maintained; to that end, choose high-quality products for your car's engine, such as AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil. To place an order on the most efficient synthetic oil in San Diego, call Synthetic Oil Inc. at (800) 653-0323 or explore AMSOIL's online store.

What is Considered Road Rage?

First, we must cover what's road rage. Simply put, it is aggressive behavior that comprises all types of anger-fueled disputes or encounters on the road. For instance, when a motorist physically assaults another driver, cursing, tailgating, tossing objects to another car, making offensive gestures, and other inappropriate behaviors. Now, stress builds up when stuck in traffic after a challenging day, tension accumulates, and the slightest inconvenience can turn into an impulsive road rage incident. On the whole, decreasing stress and remaining calm is essential to handle these types of situations.

How to Avoid Road Rage Encounters

Picture this: You are driving through slow-moving traffic at peak hour and accidentally cut another driver off. This driver gets out of their car and starts yelling and cursing at your car's window. What would you do if that were the case? To help you figure out the best way to remove yourself from any hostile encounter, read on:
  • Stare ahead and don't make eye contact: If you become the target of a tempered driver, avoid making eye contact at all costs; if you do gaze at them, chances are you might engage with the encounter. Hence, stare away and remain calm to add up to the dispute.
  • Avoid being reactive to the aggressions: To avoid being involved in a road rage encounter, you must let go of them and move on; in other words, don't retaliate or respond to aggression; instead, show restraint and avoid conflict at all costs. You might find it hard to overlook any rude affront towards you; however, tempering down and not responding to aggression will ensure you arrive home safe and sound.
  • Get help if road rage escalates: When road rage escalates, you can always call 311 to report reckless drivers as they might be dangerous. Plus, you can call 911 if you were to be threatened or assaulted by an aggressive driver.

Another way to avoid road rage is by keeping your engine working as expected. Turn to the experts at Synthetic Oil Inc. by calling them at (800) 653-0323 and learn more about the benefits of getting a synthetic oil change in San Diego. To explore the full line of AMSOIL products, browse the online store and find the best protection for your vehicle.

Avoid Playing a Road Rage Role With These Tips

Now, there's the other side of the coin to cover. Being behind the wheel entails a lot of stress when inconveniences appear on the road; for example, if you come across traffic delays while running late to an important meeting, those are the kinds of scenarios that could affect your driving behavior. As a response, you might change lanes without signaling or horn at the car in front of you. So, considering that aggressive driving often fuels road rage, you want to reduce the chances of succumbing to those hostile displays on the road; to that end, read the following tips to manage your driving stress responsibly.
  • Plan Your Time and Route: Running late is one of the most common factors contributing to aggressive driving and road rage. Most motorists have experienced the anxiety of being late for work, a meeting, or an appointment; however, you can avoid the unpleasant feeling that comes with being in a hurry by planning your time and your commuting route. To that end, set your watch 10 or 15 minutes further to avoid worrying about time. Plus, make sure to use a traffic app to check on your daily commuting route. If the road you intend to take has heavy traffic, you can plan and take an alternative way to prevent a weary driving experience.
  • Listen to relaxing music:  Let's say you are in the middle of traffic congestion caused by road maintenance. All in all, there's nothing you can do to overcome the crowded road; therefore, one way to soothe yourself is by listening and focusing on calming music, a podcast, or an audiobook.
  • Be considerate with the other road users: Whether it is traffic, a slow driver in front of you, or someone honking at you, it's important to acknowledge every road user around you is trying to cope with the stress of driving; therefore, make sure to be polite with them.

Maximize your vehicle's useful life by choosing high-quality products for its preventive maintenance, such as AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil. To place an order on the most efficient synthetic oil in San Diego, reach out to the experts at Synthetic Oil Inc. by calling them at (800) 653-0323, or browse AMSOIL's online store.