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Did you know that drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving? To learn drowsiness on the wheel's causes, symptoms, and a few ways to avoid it, read this post by Synthetic Oil Inc. in San Diego.

Drowsy driving is one of those issues that is not talked about enough; however, it's one of the most dangerous conditions to operate a vehicle. On that note, it's worth pointing out that, according to the most recent estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 697 drowsy driving-related fatalities in 2019. Fortunately, you can do a few things to prevent drowsy driving. Hence, this post from Synthetic Oil Inc. will take you through the factors contributing to drowsy driving, the main symptoms of fatigue to identify while on the wheel, and the main ways to avoid falling into drowsiness on the road. If you are interested in this topic, read on.

Motor oil is your car's most important fluid; hence, it's vital to keep it reliable by giving your vehicle a synthetic oil change in San Diego. Call Synthetic Oil Inc. at (800) 653-0323 or browse AMSOIL's online store to find the highest-quality formulas for your engine.

Which Factors Contribute to Drowsy Driving?

The first step to prevent drowsy driving is to know the most common causes and circumstances that lead to it; therefore, here's a brief list of factors that contribute to fatigue at the wheel:
  • Not getting enough sleep: Have you ever hit the road after a sleepless night? If you have, you know that driving tired can be dangerous. Not getting enough sleep can impair your ability to concentrate, alertness, response time, decision-making skills, among other cognitive functions essential for driving. That's why you should get a healthy amount of sleep of at least 7 hours before driving. If your circumstances impede you from getting enough sleep (for example, if you have a baby who wakes up to eat several times after midnight), bring a traveling companion if possible, and ask them to help you with the driving duty in case you get tired.
  • Alcohol: It goes without saying that driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors you can engage in; after all, the effects of alcohol are essentially the same as drowsiness; in other words, drinking can impair your visual acuity, coordination, reflexes, alertness, and in general, all the cognitive functions you need to drive safely; therefore, it is imperative to avoid alcohol whenever you have to drive.
  • Medication: If you take prescription or over-the-counter medications, be sure to check their labels for side effects before taking the wheel. Doing this is critical because some medicines may impair your cognitive functioning by containing sedatives that cause lethargy, drowsiness, blurred vision, and, in some cases, even dizziness.
  • Driving at Night: Evidently, taking the wheel during the hours you are used to sleeping every day can result in drowsy and dangerous driving; therefore, avoid driving at night, especially during sleepy peak hours (midnight - 6 am). If, for some reason, you have to drive all night, share the wheel with a travel companion. Additionally, be alert to the main symptoms of drowsiness listed below.

Find the most effective synthetic oil in San Diego by calling Synthetic Oil Inc. at (800) 653-0323, or browse AMSOIL's online store to explore the full line of highest-quality lubricants for your vehicle, like AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil.

Be Alert for Warning Signs of Drowsiness

If your job requires you to drive for long hours each day, you must take a long road trip, or you did not sleep enough the night before taking the wheel, you may be subject to drowsy driving; thus, it is important to be wary of the following symptoms of fatigue:
  • Increasingly frequent yawning.
  • Back tension.
  • Heavy eyelids.
  • Wandering thoughts.
  • Drifting from your lane.
  • Overlooking road signs.
  • Difficulty keeping your head up.
If you notice you are experiencing the first symptoms of drowsiness while driving (yawning, back tension, and heavy eyelids), use your remaining energy to pull off the road to a rest area or safe parking lot where you can sleep for at least 20 minutes.

Prevent Drowsy Driving by Following These Tips

Last but not least, here are some valuable tips to prevent drowsy driving and keep you safe behind the wheel:
  • The best thing you can do to avoid drowsiness at the wheel is to get at least 7 hours of sleep before starting your road trip or before driving for long hours.
  • If you have a long road trip ahead of you, stop every two hours to rest, hydrate, and stretch.
  • If possible, avoid driving alone and always try to take a companion on your trips.
  • Share the driving duties with your traveling companion during long trips; this will allow you to rest a little and recover your strength.
  • Avoid driving at night as much as possible.
  • Never drink and drive.
  • If you suffer from a sleep disorder, talk to your doctor to find a treatment option so that you can drive safely.

Adding high-quality lubricants to your engine plays a key role in protecting your vehicle against premature wear and heat, hence the importance of choosing reliable formulas, like AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil. Call Synthetic Oil Inc. at (800) 653-0323 or browse AMSOIL's online store to place an order on the most effective synthetic oil in San Diego.